I often get asked if I have experience with a certain framework or library. Short answer, yes - long ansnwer, yes (but it's longer).
I had to clean my Reprap's nozzle with a blow torch.
For the past two weeks I've been trying to get my heated bed to function properly. I've been trying different combinations of series and parallel for my 4 2Ω 10W resistors powered by a 12v PSU rail. I found one combination that worked, but it could only get my bed up to about 80°C. I need about 100-110 for ABS to stick well. After adding some pink fiberglass insulation under the bed my temps shot right up to 110-120.
My first attempt at printing was met with utter failure. Not the hot, bubbling, melty plastic kind, but the cold, gear grinding, nothing's working kind. Here's what I learned...
On yesterday, I went to Radio Shack to pick up some jumpers to finish off the R.A.M.P.S. board. I ended up getting a few extra things for my Sells Mendel.
After spending two days soldering up connections to RAMPS because I got the wrong opto-end stop connections I finally had all 3 axis and end stops working. After testing the axis I realized that they were stuttering. Kliment, CodeRage and other helpful IRC chatterers determined that my RAMPS stepper motor driver chips were overheating. Not having any 10mm x 10mm heatsinks on hand, I had to get creative.
Well, another day wasted trying to connect the electronics. I must say that I don't have much admiration for the state of commercial RepRap kit vendors. Nothing seems to work well together. If I didn't happen to have tools and supplies for low voltage wiring I wouldn't have even got this far with my Mendel... which isn't even done.
Two or three days ago I spent about an hour and a half searching for three missing parts. I thought my supplier forgot to send an extra z-leadscrew base, as I could only find one. The leadscrew base looks like this:
Last week I got my RepRap Mendel in the mail. Upon un-boxing the parts, I was impressed by the professionalism in the packaging. But, I was also highly confused on where to start. The RepRap wiki lists the extruder as the first step to perform, but the instructions leave a lot to the imagination, to put it nicely.