Two or three days ago I spent about an hour and a half searching for three missing parts. I thought my supplier forgot to send an extra z-leadscrew base, as I could only find one. The leadscrew base looks like this:
So, I went to eBay to find a complete picture of all parts for a Mendel. Using that as a visual checklist, I realized that I was missing the following:
- Z-Leadscrew Base
- Z-Motor Bracket
- Z-Tensioner
There was one extra part that I couldn't find on the visual checklist of parts. I printed someone else's set of parts, also from eBay, and couldn't find it on there either. After reading how the z-axis was put together, I realized that this crazy extra part was actually three parts in one! It contained the leadscrew base and extra wide holes for the motor pulley and motor mounting screws so the whole motor could slide and act as a tensioner.
So much for a "standard Mendel".
Check to see if you have this crazy part. If you do, you could save yourself an hour of tearing apart your house and looking for some parts that don't exist.
Images taken from: