With the recent announcement that ZF3 is available, I thought I'd give the forms component a shot.
Some time in the early 70s, ZF3's roadmap said that it would focus on turning components into individual projects that would enable "broader re-use".
On June 28th, they announced the release of Zend Framework 3, claming "millions of installs".
"Great", I thought, "I'm thinking about building a new platform, let me give the forms component a shot."
$ composer require zendframework/zend-form

$ composer remove zendframework/zend-form
Sorry ZF3, I'm trying to do rapid development. I don't have the time to debug start-up errors in your libs.
But, at least I could report it, right?
Oh, somebody already else did, nearly 2 months ago.
- Why would they go ahead and release software that they knew had a bug in it since May?
- Why was this not considered a blocker?
- Why did nobody from ZF team copy and paste the composer instructions they so lovingly paste as the only content on the front page of their documentation?
Give me any piece of software and I'll find a bug in it in under 1 hour or your money back.